Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Workplace Etiquette 101 Respect the Receptionist
Workplace Etiquette 101 Respect the Receptionist The Pollyannas of the world have no trouble being nice to just about everyone, but sometimes the rest of us have to prioritize the humans we have the capacity to treat with courtesy. Always prioritize being polite to the receptionist. Let me say it again.Always. Prioritize. Being. Polite. To. The. Receptionist.Otherwise you may find yourself frozen out, passed over, or otherwise barred from the gates of wherever you are trying to enterà that had the sense to hire someone to keep out the rabble.Soteris Phoraris over at CareerAddict has some more specific tips to motivate you to remember which side your paperwork is buttered on, to mix a metaphor.They Get it From EveryonePeople who dont know better assume that the person hired to be the first public point of contact is actually low on the totem pole. This means that the receptionist greeting you at the door may have already dealt with a dozen entitled, pushy, condescending clients or customers by the time you show up. If you arent po lite and gracious, they may let loose the backlog of exasperation theyve been storying up all day- and youll have only yourself to blame.They Are Probably Control FreaksThe thing about receptionists is they pretty much know everyone and have an integral role in every office process that exists. I was once temping in a fancy Connecticut town for a few months, and at first I assisted in various departments of the Town Hall- a few weeks of efficient filing and transcribing and they asked me to take over processing applications for and distributing parking permits. I had to learn the current system for processing applications for parking permits from the town receptionist. I thought I was being eager, respectful, and helpful, but she was so mortally offended that a kid was being brought in to assist that she took early retirement and quit, leaving me with approximately 2 hours of training and no experience whatsoever. I had to figure out all the filing systems shed built over the years by trial and error. It was not fun. Let receptionists have their systems, people. Find your place in the system, do not expect the system to adapt to you.They Could Be a Future CEOEven if they dont later decide to rise through the ranks, you never know when someone is working a day job to finance their career as a brilliant playwright or starving virtuoso. The person fielding your calls and passing along your messages today will probably remember you once shes climbed up the ladder- whether she thinks of you fondly or maintains a vengeance vision board in her corner office is really up to you.How You Treat Them Actually Says More About YouEver catch yourself taking out your own angst on a total stranger? Treating others lower in the hierarchy badly shows your own lack of self esteem. Just like waiters, dogs, and kids, how you treat people hired to provide service or creatures incapable of defending themselves is an indicator of your character. There are a few subway commuters I owe apologies to because they happened to be walking slowly or on the left, or stood in front of an empty seat. If Id thought they were possibly receptionists, I would have been more polite.The Receptionists Test: The Difference Between Hiring and Dont call us, well call you.Receptionists tend to have very close working relationships with their immediate supervisors, which could mean anything from middle management toà the CEO. If youre interviewing with a potential new employer and have an opportunity to be professional and friendly with the receptionist, TAKE IT. Odds are the hiring manager you met with is going to ask their assistant what they thought of you. They can say, He seemed really great or they can say, Are they casting an American Psycho reality show? Because that guy was the worst. The power is yours.PerksBest case scenario, your messages get through faster, you spend less time waiting for appointments, or you dont have to photocopy your own documents. Depending on the i ndustry, the office, and your relative position, being on good terms with a receptionist can have serious perks for your worklife. Learn their coffee order, take note of the communal candy, and remember pet/child/spouse names. You know, be a person. And this time maybe therell be something in it for you!Why You Should Be Kind to the ReceptionistRead More at
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Gun Control Essays (1598 words) - Gun Politics, Firearms
Gun Control Essays (1598 words) - Gun Politics, Firearms Gun Control A gun is a mechanical device that expels a projectile. In most cases the projectile is a gyroscopically stabilized bullet which can accurately travel a large distance. Most guns burn solid propellants to produce high-pressure gas, which drives the projectile through the barrel. Guns have been used for hundreds of years in the history of our world and nation. Although, gun control has been a major debating issue during the past few decades. On one side there are those who completely agree with the control laws and on the other there are those who oppose gun control laws. Gun control opponents provide many uses for a gun, such as the second amendment, self-defense, hunting, or target practice. The second amendment preserves the right to own a gun, which states, A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. One does not have to belong to a well-regulated militia in order to have the right to keep and bear arms. The militia clause is merely one, and not the only, rationale for preserving the right. The founders were expressing a preference for a militia over a standing army. Even if today's well-regulated militia is the National Guard, the Second Amendment still protects an individual right to keep and bear arms. There are approximately two million defensive gun uses per year by law-abiding citizens. That was one of the findings in a national survey conducted by Gary Kleck, a Florida State University criminologist in 1998. Kleck also analyzed data from the Department of Justice where he found victims that defended themselves with a gun against a robbery or an assault had the least chance of being injured, or of having the crime completed. Doing nothing, trying to escape, reasoning with the offender, or physical resistance, other than with a gun, all had higher probabilities of injury and crime completion. Using more recent data, Lawrence Southwick Jr. found that victims using guns were consistently less likely to lose cash or other property than other victims, and also establishing that this was true regardless of what weaponry was possessed or used by the offenders. Another study also found that burglaries in which victims resisted with guns were far less likely to be completed. Other uses for a gun may include hobbies like target practicing and hunting. There are many shooting ranges in our nation where hundreds of people go to everyday to learn how to use gun or simply for the experience. Also, hunting has been part of our history for years. Hunting was used to as a food source and now it has become a tradition for many people. On the other side of the debate are gun control advocates who provide many reasons for their stand. On July 19, 1999 California Governor Gray Davis signed two of the toughest gun laws in the country: the nations strongest ban on assault weapons and ammunition magazines and a measure to stop gun traffickers by limiting gun buyers to no more than one handgun per month. Davis, like other successful state candidates, campaigned extensively in support of responsible gun control laws during his 1998 bid for the governorship, after former Governor Pete Wilson vetoed several gun control bills. California voters elected solid gun control majorities in both houses of the legislature. Every day in America, 13 young people aged 19 and under are killed in gun homicides, suicides and unintentional shootings and many more are wounded. The scourge of gun violence frequently attacks the most helpless members of our society our children. Children can be their own worst enemy-especially when a gun is involved. Only 16 states have any sort of Child Access Prevention law. In most states there are no laws requiring proper storage of firearms. Loaded, unlocked guns present an irresistible temptation to curious children. Guns kept in the home for self-protection are 43 times more likely to kill a family member or friend than to kill in self-defense. The presence of a gun in the home triples the risk of homicide in the home. Three fifths of all U.S. suicides involve firearms. In 1997 alone, 35,957 Americans
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Migration Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Migration - Research Paper Example This number includes 214 million international migrants and 740 million internally displaced persons (ââ¬Å"World Migration Reportâ⬠). Human migration, whether internationally or internally, from one geographical place to another geographical place takes place due to various reasons, which can be categorized into two general factors: pull factor or moving into a place and push factor or leaving a place (ââ¬Å"Why do people migrate?â⬠). The pull factors are causes that enforce a country to bring people from other countries, whereas push factors are causes make people leave their own countries. Some of the pull factors are need for additional labor at relatively lower cost for the industrial and infrastructure development of the country, falling birthrates of developing countries, and rapid economic expansion. Different causes that can be noted among push factors are lack of prospects of career development in native countries, poverty and low income in native countries, pro secution and poor human rights, civil war, and natural disaster (ââ¬Å"Why do people migrate?â⬠). The purpose of the paper is to provide an overview on the global phenomenon of human migration through the perspectives of historical, political, economic, environmental, and cultural events. Spread of religion, search for new lands for human inhabitants may be allocated to the historical reasons causing migration during different periods of human civilization. All three major regions, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam reshaped the globe through human immigration. Since the birth of Islam as a religion in 610, the followers of Islam first spread it throughout the Arabian Peninsula, and then to Egypt and other parts of North Africa. Spread of Catholicism by Portuguese and Spanish played role in human immigration during 11th and 12th centuries. Migration of Jewish people from Eastern to Western Europe and then to the United States of America in the 19th century reshaped the ethnicity of
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